Smarter School Travel
The school has been awarded Gold STARS (Sustainable, Travel, Active, Responsible, Safe) status in recognition of the work done to promote active and safe travel to school. We encourage students and parents to consider health and environmental issues associated with Smarter Travel solutions, to walk to school or use public transport and to avoid congestion around the school site.
A series of initiatives and competitions are promoted throughout the school year for both staff and students to encourage walking and cycling in particular and to discourage car use. Students are encouraged to join the school travel group and the school takes part in the Student Travel Ambassador award scheme in conjunction with Transport for London.
The school is well served by the following public transport:
Buses: 25, 86, 123, 128, 145, 147, 150, 167, 169, 179, 296, 364, 366, 396, 462, EL1, EL2 and W19
Trains: Ilford Station