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Our Principles

We believe that every student is made in the image and likeness of God, and it is our duty to help, support and guide them to develop into the person that he calls them to be.  Mistakes are part of learning and growing up and we aim to deal with poor behaviour in the spirit of forgiveness and providing all with the opportunity to move on, learn and improve.

Students understand that, when they do make a mistake or poor choice, their actions have consequences.  Our systems are transparent and predictable so that students quickly develop an understanding of justice and equity.  Whilst we aim to be consistent in our application of school rules and consequences, we recognise that all students are different and that sometimes we will need to adapt our approach for the best outcome.

Whilst all of our rules and expectations are important in ensuring a positive school environment, those that guarantee student safety and well-being are paramount.

School Rules


As a learning community, we all have important rights, and these are guaranteed by the responsibilities we also share.  The rules below give common examples of how these responsibilities translate in our day-to-day routines. 


The responsibility to ensure a productive learning environment for all: 
  • Students must follow all instructions given by school staff. 

  • Students must work hard and do their best e.g. completing homework on time and completing classwork as directed by their teacher. 

  • Students must not distract others e.g. through inappropriate talking in class. 

  • Students are not permitted to use mobile phones on site.  Any phone must be switched off and stored in students’ bags. 

  • Students must always wear the correct uniform or PE kit.  

  • Students must strive to arrive at school and all lessons on time with the correct equipment. 


The responsibility to ensure a safe and happy environment for all: 
  • Students must move quietly and sensibly around the building and keep to the left on stairs and in busy areas. 

  • Students must act with kindness and consideration towards others and not engage in any behaviour that may make others feel upset, anxious or scared.  This includes any form of bullying, gossip, spreading of rumours or name calling. 

  • Expectations of how we treat each other in school apply to conduct online and on social media.  Students must not engage in any form of cyber-bullying including talking about other students online or sharing images of other students. 

  • Any form of physical assault or fighting is forbidden.  Any form of physical posturing or intimidation is also forbidden. 

  • Students will not engage in ‘playfighting’ or any horseplay that is likely to lead to accidents. 

  • Dangerous and/or illegal items should never be brought into school.  This includes weapons, knives and fireworks. 

  • Students must wear safety equipment and follow specific safety instructions where applicable e.g. during practical work in science and DT. 


The responsibility to ensure all feel welcome and valued: 
  • Students must show respect towards all members of the school community. 

  • Any behaviour or language that is racist, homophobic or discriminatory towards any person’s protected characteristics (Equality Act 2010) is strictly forbidden. 

  • Students should be kind and welcoming towards each other. 


The responsibility towards our common home and our shared resources: 
  • Students will treat school premises and equipment with care and respect.  Therefore, intentional or reckless damage to property or equipment including graffiti are forbidden. 

  • Where property or equipment is damaged by accident, students are expected to report this to a member of staff. 

  • Students must tidy after themselves ensuring that any rubbish or recycling are placed in the correct bin. 

  • Students must not waste water and any form of water fight or squirting water at others is never allowed. 

  • Chewing gum is not permitted in school. 

  • Eating and drinking is not permitted in corridors and only water may be consumed during lessons.  Food should be eaten in the canteen or outside except during winter or poor weather when permission has been given to use the main hall at lunchtime.  Hot food purchased from the canteen must be eaten there. 


The responsibility towards our own safety and wellbeing: 
  • Students must not bring any substances into school that could cause harm to health including alcohol, tobacco products, vapes, nitrous oxide, prescribed medication that has not been prescribed to them. 

  • Illegal drugs are forbidden as are ‘legal highs’ and other similar products.  The use of solvents for intoxicating purposes will be considered in the same way. 

  • Students must follow our IT protocols and use IT and the internet safely and sensibly.  Students must only log into the system using their own username and password and these details should never be shared with others. 

  • Students should follow school procedures for signing in and out of school and immediately alert reception or other available staff if they are unwell or are not present in lesson for any reason. 

  • If a student has a concern about their own or another student's safety, they must report this to a member of the safeguarding team. 


Acting with Truth and Integrity: 
  • Students must maintain the high standards of conduct we expect in school when travelling to or from school or on an organised trip.  School expectations and behaviour policies apply on these occasions and whenever a student is wearing their uniform. 

  • Where students receive a consequence for poor behaviour, they must fully comply with this as an important part of moving forward and being forgiven.